Hello Caloosa Neighbors!
We have a new location for our Board meetings
Due to the closing of Alico Family Golf, going forward (beginning June 16th, 2021) we will be meeting at the Estero Recreation Center, 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd.
All Homeowners are welcome!
We have a new location for our Board meetings
Due to the closing of Alico Family Golf, going forward (beginning June 16th, 2021) we will be meeting at the Estero Recreation Center, 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd.
All Homeowners are welcome!
Please remember to check the bulletin board located in the common area (west intersection of Caloosa Trace Circle and Ramblers Strand). Notices of monthly Board of Director meetings and any other community activities will be posted there as well as on this site. Board of Director meetings will be under the BOARD tab.
Lately there seems to be an increase in the amount of dog waste left behind. Whether in the common areas or homeowner’s yards, we can all agree it is unpleasant to say the least. Rather than get into the details of the County Ordinance (and potential fines) that requires dog owners to pick up after their pets, and the possible negative impact on the environment *…. let this be a courtesy request to ask everyone to be responsible pet owners and respectful to one another. There are free disposal bags available in the Common Area if needed.
Thank you in advance for supporting Caloosa Trace Community!
*The Monster we’ve unwittingly created in our waterways has many origins…including the undisposed waste of our beloved pets. It damages water quality and causes a host of other issues. Collecting your dog’s waste takes seconds but helps preserve our water quality in a way that’s second to none. With many pet parks and walking areas providing bags for its proper disposal, there is no reason not to.
So please…Do your Duty, Pick up the Doodie
Check back soon for additional Caloosa Trace HOA announcements!